The collection of your personal information is governed by Australian privacy laws. Your information is collected for the purposes of processing your registration or to respond to your request to receive information about conferences and events, and to market the products and services of these and our business associates. You may request to gain access to any of your personal information that we have collected. If you do not wish your provided email address to be used to provide you with information on upcoming events, please email: kristen@kecreative.com.au
By registering for the conference you are hereby giving Ke. Creative Events Pty Ltd permission to photograph you for use in our publications, website and other promotional material associated with the AAFT Conference 2025. If you do not consent to your photograph/s being used, please contact Ke. Creative Events via email kristen@kecreative.com.au.
For a copy of Ke. Creative Events full Privacy Policy please view policy here via the Ke. Creative website.